Peter went for a walk yesterday and took these pics of daisies for me.
Peter spent all day cooking these. It is a year since he started his current job, so his turn to provide morning tea again. The first batch mysteriously disappeared! The second batch were burned! But the third batch were just right and had to be hidden so they would reach his work colleagues.Do not tell Peter, but they tasted as good as they looked.
Shadow daisies as the tear in the Ozone layer went past overhead.
Rock rose and ant from the side of our garage. The petals are so thin and paper like, they look like they need a good iron.
Bees on a globe thistle in my mum's garden back in the UK.
The daisies in the garden are starting to get quite tall. My grass cutting man is on holiday in the UK for a month.
A host of sunny osteospernum daisies.
Sunflower and feverfew from our old garden. I will have to get round to planting some Sunflower and other seeds here soon.
Tree ferns in the sun.
New leaves at Cornwall Park
Beautiful white Irises that live along the side of our house.
Peach blossom and a freesia for the first day of spring.