26 June 2007

Susan Hill

My very good friend Keriann has given me a copy of her favourite book to read, the Magic Apple Tree. I have seen this book mentioned on a number of blog sites I read. Last night on a freezing cold winters evening tucked up in bed I started to read it, perfect. The first section of the book is about Winter in an English counrty village. As I grew up in a country village it filled me with homesickness. Not for the reality of living through winter in the Scottish Borders, but for that romantic view of winter. That silence you find when you wake up on a snowy morning. The crunch of new dry snow under your feet. And last but not least, sitting quilting in front of the fire listening to a spooky christmas story on Radio 4 while it is snowing heavily outside. Would I swap living in sunny Hawkes Bay for living through winter in the UK. No chance. But it would be nice to have one snowy day each year.

Getting back to the Magic Apple Tree. I looked up the author today and found her blog, then wasted a few lovely hours linking through to some really interesting other blogs and found a few books I would like to read.
Sorry about the blurry winter snap taken from my bedroom window in our old house in the Scottish Borders. It was the only one I could find on my lap top.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Hi Nicola,
Glad you are enjoying the Magic Apple Tree too. I just finished reading my copy and loved it.


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