31 December 2008

Today's Daisies #76 - The Christmas Pressie Saga

Peter bought me the above lovely necklace for my Christmas. As mentioned before it is almost too small, and felt like wearing sandpaper.

So after a lot of internal debate I went to the gallery where I thought he said he bought it, and asked if they would exchange it. Only to find out to my great embarrassment that, he had only bought my earrings there and not the necklace.
Needless to say Peter thought this was hilarious, told me where he had bought the necklace, at the Wine Country Gallery in Havelock and even gave me the receipt so I could change it.
Being the impatient person I was down at the gallery to change it at 10pm on Tuesday morning. Only to find out the gallery is open every day but Tuesdays.
So this morning back I went to see if they would exchange the necklace. I spotted one I liked straight away. No worries they said, they exchanged my necklace for the one I liked and gave me some cash back as well. There are also some earrings which I think I will use the spare cash to buy.

1 comment:

gayle said...

Hi Nicola, Your Christmas just looks so wonderful. I love the tea cosy. I was made a present by my 8 yr old. She filled a small vial with water and added glitter. So I have a 'snowstorm' type thingy. very cute. Love the nailed daisy though!


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