11 January 2009

Luxury Breakfast

I found Peter this morning sitting outside eating puff pastry stuffed with jam and cream for breakfast.

And he had not told me about them. So I had to join him just to check that they were ok, and they were yummy.


gayle said...

Hi Nicola, Just catching up on all your posts. Lovely. It is so grey and dismal here I am so jealous. I look forward to May when we have a 2 week summer, at least that is what happened the las t 2 years!

Peter said...

In my defence I will say that the puff pastry was left over from last night dinner and the cream was in the fridge but at it's use by date - so just using up leftovers really.

"reduce, reuse, recycle".


Nicola said...

Well I guess you won't be reduceing much if you keep recycleing leftovers you know. They could always have been reduced, reused and recycled in the worm farm. But they did taste exceedingly lovely.


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